Not sure what herb to take?

Your health is everything! Step into vibrant, natural health. Experience an herbalist that truly listens and cares about you. Are you ready for a natural approach? Do you need help deciding what herbs to use for your problem? I will assess your information and email you a suggested natural treatment. Maybe you have been toContinue reading “Not sure what herb to take?”

Mullein Flower Ear Drops

This is a very easy but effective herbal medicine for inflamed ears, joint pain, and more. Mullein grows all around us, so start your infusion today. This is mullein growing in my garden. It has large fuzzy leaves and has a tall flower stalk in its second year. Small yellow flowers grow along the stalk.Continue reading “Mullein Flower Ear Drops”


Common yarrow (Achillea millefolium) is native to the dry, disturbed soils of prairies, meadows, and the edges of forest in the northern hemisphere. This perennial grows best in hardiness zones 3-9. It grows 36-inches high and produces white flowers. It is a bitter-tasting perennial of the Asteraceae family and is helpful in so many ways. Diaphoretic (opens pores and helps us sweat) DiureticContinue reading “Yarrow”

Rose Hips

Roses have been grown for centuries as an important source of food and medicine. They are not only beautiful to look at, the fruit bulbs that appear below the flower are packed with nutrients and antioxidants. Best known for their abundance of vitamin C, rose hips provide many health benefits. The rose hip, or rosehip,Continue reading “Rose Hips”

Red Clover

Red clover (Trifolium pratense) is an herb that belongs to the legume family, which also includes peas and beans. Red clover’s brightly colored flowers contain many nutrients including calcium, chromium, magnesium, niacin, phosphorus, potassium, thiamine, and vitamin C. They’re also a rich source of isoflavones. These are compounds that act as phytoestrogens—plant chemicals similar toContinue reading “Red Clover”

Herbal Relief From Menopause

Remember, each woman will experience menopause differently. Some will breeze through it with little symptoms, while others will be very uncomfortable. You’re reading this because, like me, you want a natural approach for relief. Menopause occurs when a woman hasn’t menstruated in 12 consecutive months and can no longer become pregnant naturally. It usually beginsContinue reading “Herbal Relief From Menopause”


Licorice root is one of the most-used herbs in Traditional Chinese Medicine. It is frequently used in small amounts in formulas and is considered to be a synergist or peacemaker in that it helps herbs work together more effectively.  This post will look at licorice root benefits when used as licorice tea or as aContinue reading “Licorice”


Common Names – Echinacea, Purple coneflower Botanical Name – Echinacea spp Family – Asteraceae It is a simple flowering plant and a member of the daisy family. More commonly known as purple coneflower, many people grow this powerful herb without even realizing it! The name derives from the Greek word ekhinos (hedgehog) because the cone resembles aContinue reading “Echinacea”


Common Names – Elecampane, Wild Sunflower, Horseheal, Yellow Starwort, (more below) Botanical Name – Inula helenium Family – Asteraceae Elecampane (Inula helenium) is a perennial herb in the aster family with a long history of medicinal uses. In appearance, it is reminiscent of a sunflower plant, with tall stalks, pale green foliage, and bright yellow flowersContinue reading “Elecampane”

Nourishing Nettle Tea

Nettle tea will feed your body… The most important health benefits of stinging nettle include its ability to detoxify the body, improve metabolic efficiency, boost immunity, increase circulation, improve energy levels, manage menstruation, minimize menopausal symptoms, and aid in skin care. It has the power to protect the health of the kidney and gallbladder, lowerContinue reading “Nourishing Nettle Tea”

Elder Flowers

Scientific Name:  Sambucus nigraCommon Names:  elder, mother elder, elderberries, elderflowersFamily:  Caprifoliaceae-Honeysuckle Family Uses: sweat-inducing for fevers encourage circulation, colds and flu bronchial and upper-respiratory allergy and hay fever eye wash tonsillitis and sore throat mild laxative rheumatism and gout inflammation The Elder, with its flat-topped masses of creamy-white, fragrant blossoms, followed by large dropping bunches ofContinue reading “Elder Flowers”

Shepherd’s Purse

Common Names – Shepherd’s Purse , Pickpurse, Casewort, Lady’s Purse Botanical Name – Capsella bursa-pastoris Family – BRASSICACEA What a curious name for a plant.  It was probably called this because of the resemblance of the flat seed pouches of the plant to an old fashioned leather purse. From Europe this little plant found its way around theContinue reading “Shepherd’s Purse”

Uva Ursi

Common Names – Uva Ursi , Bearberry Botanical Name – Arctostaphylos uva-ursi Family – ERICACEAE Uva Ursi, is a small groundcover shrub distributed throughout northern latitudes and in high altitudes further south. The plant produces small; stiff evergreen leaves that last 1-3 years before falling.  In late spring, white to pink flowers bloom, eventually producing ¼- to ½-inchContinue reading “Uva Ursi”

Healthy Woman Tea Blends

Try these special herbal tea blends for problems with your period or if you just want to prevent problems. Drinking herbal teas are not a quick fix, but over time they will calm and heal. Tea Blend Recipes Heavy Periods and Cramps If your periods are heavy with uncomfortable cramping, than this tea blend isContinue reading “Healthy Woman Tea Blends”